Accent Heading

Section heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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I have added the css in case it doesn't work
sometimes these things don't copy and paste correctly

add the % % SELECTOR % % in front of .bde-container-link: .... it will help contain the code - remove the spaces.
.card-image {
--start-opacity: 0;
--end-opacity: .4;
--start-scale: 1;
--end-scale: 1.1;
--transition-duration: .6s;
--transition-function: ease;

.card-image {
scale: var(--start-scale);
opacity var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-function),
scale var(--transition-duration) var(--transition-function);
opacity: var(--start-opacity);

.card-image:focus-within {
opacity: var(--end-opacity);
scale: var(--end-scale);

.bde-container-link:focus-within .card-image {
opacity: var(--end-opacity);
scale: var(--end-scale);

Ruben Garcia Jr

Web + App developer
Vlogs • Youtube • Coffee