
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1

Under the new covenant, we get to meditate on the person of Jesus when we meditate on the Word.

Jesus is the Word made flesh, and as you meditate on His love for you, on His finished work, on His forgiveness and on His grace, you will have good success.

You can just take one verse and meditate on Jesus’ love for you. For example, you can begin to mutter Psalm 23:1 under your breath: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

As you meditate on this simple verse, you begin to realize that the Lord is (present tense) your shepherd. A shepherd provides for his sheep, feeds them and protects them.

Because Jesus is your shepherd, you shall not be in want for anything.

You shall not lack wisdom, direction, provision—anything.

Now, in this short period of meditating on Jesus, faith is imparted and your heart is encouraged with the reality that Jesus is with you, even when you are facing challenges.

Whether you are a homemaker, salesperson or business owner, your soul will be nourished and strengthened when you meditate on Jesus. In fact, He will propel you into success without you even realizing it!

Without you having to scheme or make all sorts of plans, He will direct your steps and cause doors of opportunity to supernaturally open wide for you. When you meditate on Jesus, your ways always become prosperous.

Ruben Garcia Jr

My goal is to #enjoylife, #lovepeople, #partysober and #rest.

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